Venyx World

Venyx World
This has been a very unique collaboration with Venyx world. 
Venyx specializes in crafting avant-garde designs that defy the conventions of traditional jewelry shapes. Their expertise lies in producing luxurious high-end jewelry. Every piece within the realm of Venyx is imbued with a narrative, contributing significantly to the inherent value and preciousness of each jewel.

The inspiration for the backdrops was drawn from the breathtaking Dendritic Agate—a natural gem celebrated for its intricate brown and black branch-like inclusions,to the blooms and the patterns found in the embrace of nature.

Step into the enchanting realm of the Dryada Collection, where the artistry of jewelry seamlessly blends with the ethereal allure of nature. Entrusted with the task, I was commissioned to create bespoke backdrops, each a masterpiece in itself, serving as the ideal canvas to unveil the beauty of this exquisite collection. The collaboration was a deliberate effort to encapsulate the essence and individuality of each unique piece within a visual narrative.



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